Product features

  • Light adventure kit a simple but very effective solution of carefully selected hand tools that is designed from the ground up for technical problems that appear on motorcycle rides. With its portable design, it's perfect for endless adventures or just for joyful short rides in your local area or region. It is made as a small wrap, so it's easy to store and carry around, and just big enough to contain all the essential high-quality Unior tools that every motorcycle owner needs.
  • Small, light and portable formfactor.
  • It includes all the essential hand tools for maintaining and fixing motorbikes on the go.
  • Hand tools and wrap are made out of high quality materials, which provide high durability and sustainability.
  • It includes 26 different hand tools.
Tuotteen nimi SKU Article Mitat Quantity Paino
Light adventure kit 629363 3700LIGHT KIT 26 1525
Kaksipäinen kiintoavain 110/1 8 x 10, 12 x 13, 14 x 17 3
Kiintolenkki, lyhyt 125/1 8, 10 2
Hylsy 1/4'', 6-kolo 187/2HX 4, 5, 6 3
Hylsy 1/4'', Torx 187/2TX TX 20, TX 30, TX 40 3
Hylsy 1/4'', taltta 187/2SL 0.8 x 4, 1,0 x 5,5 2
Hylsy 1/4'', PH 187/2PH PH 1, PH 2 2
Hylsy 1/4'' 188/2 6p 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 6
T-väännin 1/4'' 188.3/2 1/4" 1
Jatkovarsi 1/4'' 188.4/2 1/4"x100 1
Väännin 1/4'' 188.8 1/4" 1
Siirtoleukapihdit 447/4PHPP 240 1
Hohtimet 531/4P 190 1
* Tuotekuvat ovat suuntaa-antavia. Kaikki mitat on ilmoitettu mm, painot grammoina.

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